Bachelor of Arts in Geography
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Geographers are uniquely prepared to meet the rapidly evolving demands of today’s industries, public agencies, and nonprofit organizations. They pride themselves on their ability to see the world from the big-picture perspective, understanding how people, places, and phenomena interact with each other across space and time.
Graduate with a degree in geography and you’ll be prepared to work in any industry where it is vital to consider spatial relationships. Employers are looking for graduates who are skilled in asking questions, acquiring information, exploring the environment, and analyzing data. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, median wages in the geography field were $88,900 in 2022.
Geography majors must complete an experiential learning requirement. All programs must be related to geography and be approved by the department. Program options include undergraduate research with faculty on campus, a field study or internship off campus with a public or private organization, or a Virginia Tech study abroad experience. The department offers opportunities to study overseas during the winter term in Antarctica or New Zealand, plus a semester at the University of Dundee in Scotland is also available.
Considering geography?
If you are interested in majoring in geography but want to experience the program and opportunities firsthand, consider taking one or more of the courses listed below. They are all required to earn a major or minor in geography but can also count as electives for another major within the university.
B.A. in geography
· Course descriptions in the undergraduate catalog
· Degree requirements (checksheets for geography)
· Current course offerings can be found on the Time Table of Classes
Required classes
· GEOG 1004: Introduction to Human Geography
· GEOG 1014: World Regions
· GEOG 1104: Introduction to Physical Geography
Experiential learning requirement
Students are required to take part in an experiential learning program to graduate. These opportunities typically include a minimum of 135 hours and can be satisfied in the following ways:
1. Study abroad
2. Undergraduate research (GEOG 4994)
3. Field study (i.e. Internship) (GEOG 2964 or GEOG 4964)
For more information contact:
Julie Burger
Undergraduate Academic Advisor
Department of Geography
138 Cheatham Hall
Phone: (540) 231-6886