Affiliated and Faculty Emeritus
James B. Campbell Emeritus Professor
Remote sensing, soils and geomorphology, quantitative methods.
Laurence W. Carstensen Jr.
GIS, cartography, wireless telecommunications modeling, unmanned vehicle navigation, GIS uncertainty, spatial decision-support in GIS.
Maria Elisa Christie
Director, Women and Gender in International Development, Office of International Research, Education, and Development (OIRED)
Gender, Agriculture, and Development, Cultural and Political Ecology, Geography of Food, Cuisine, and Kitchenspace, Qualitative Research Methods, Participatory Mapping.
Randel L. Dymond
Professor Environmental and Water Resources Engineering
Sustainable Land Development, Urban Stormwater Quality & Quantity, AutoCAD Civil 3D, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Spatial Decision Support Systems, Watershed Management, Civil Infrastructure Systems, Land Use Change Impacts, and Visualization of Geospatial data.
Charles M. Good
Emeritus Professor
Medical, Africa, Third World Development, Immigration.
Lawrence S. Grossman
Emeritus Professor
Caribbean, development, political ecology, colonial environmental history.