James B. Campbell

295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA
Dr. Campbell has pursued a career in Geography, Remote Sensing, and Spatial Analysis through teaching, research, and community outreach projects. His recent interests have focused on analysis of sequential imagery to examine changes in agricultural landscapes with respect to cropping and tillage systems, and of geospatial analysis of relationships between environmental and social dimensions of urban systems. His teaching has focused upon remote sensing, geomorphology, and spatial data analysis. Dr. Campbell is author of a leading remote sensing text, now in its 5th edition (with R.H. Wynne) (with a 6th edition in preparation). He is author of numerous refereed journal articles.
Area of Expertise
- Remote Sensing & Image Analysis
- Soils & Geomorphology
- Urban Agriculture & Ecology
- Agricultural Systems
- Ph.D. - University of Kansas
- M.S - University of Kansas
- B.S. - Dartmouth College
- Introduction to Remote Sensing/Advanced Remote Sensing (GEOG/GEOS 4354/5354)
- Geomorphology (GEOG/CESES/GEOS) 3304
- Analysis of Spatial Data (GEOG 5034)
- Seminar in Remote Sensing and GIS (GEOG/FREC 5034)
- Yong Huang. 2019. M.S. Virginia Urban Dynamics Study Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Imagery
Professor: James B. Campbell - Hoa Tri Tran. 2019. Ph.D. Spatial Implications of Flood Exposure and Relocation Attitudes Among Older Populations in Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Professor: James B. Campbell - Iris Flynn. 2019. Ph.D. Geospatial Analysis of Forest Fragmentation & Connectivity in Virginia
Professor: James B. Campbell - Taylor Meade. 2017. M.S. Analyzing Spatial Locations of the Common Agricultural Policy’s Subsidy Areas in Romania with Landsat Imagery
Professor: James B. Campbell - Tammy E. Parece. 2016. Ph.D. Geospatial Analysis to Site Urban Agriculture
Professor: James B. Campbell - Jie Ren. 2016. Ph.D. Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing of Changing Agricultural Land Uses with the Midwestern Corn Belt, 2001-2015
Professor: James B. Campbell - Suwen Zhao. 2015. Ph.D. Simulating Urban Growth for Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area by Coupling SLEUTH Model and Population Projection
Professor(s): Yang Shao and James B. Campbell
StateView operations for the State of Virginia
Sponsor: VirginiaView.
Investigator(s): J.B. Campbell, J. McGee & R.H. Wynne.
Amount: award pending
StateView operations for the State of Virginia
Sponsor: VirginiaView.
Investigator(s): J.B. Campbell, J. McGee & R.H. Wynne.
Amount: $122,500
- Tran, Hoa Thi, J.B. Campbell, Tri Dinh Tran, & Ha Thanh Tran. 2017. Monitoring Drought Vulnerability Using Multispectral Indices Observed from Sequential Remote Sensing (Case study: Tuy Phong, Binh Thuan, Vietnam). Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Vol. 54. pp. 167-184. DOI: 10.1080/15481603.2017.1287838.
- Ren, Jie, J. B. Campbell, and Y. Shao. 2016. Spatial and temporal dimensions of agricultural land use changes, 2001–2012, East-Central Iowa. Agricultural Systems. Vol. 148, pp. 149-158. doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2016.07.007.
- Shao, Yang, G. N. Taff, Jie Ren, & J. B. Campbell. 2016. Characterizing major agricultural land change trends in the Western Corn Belt. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. 122. DOI: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2016.10.009
- Parece, T. E. & Campbell, J. B. 2015. Identifying Urban Watershed Boundaries and Area, Fairfax County, Virginia. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 81(5):365-372.
- Parece, T. E., Lie, J., Campbell, J.B. & Carroll, D. 2015. Assessing urban landscape variables contribution to microclimates. Advances in Meteorology. DOI:10.1155/2016/8736263.
- Zheng, B., J. B. Campbell, G. Serbin, & J. M. Galbraith. 2014. Remote sensing of crop residue and tillage practices: present capabilities and future prospects. Soil & Tillage Research. Vol. 138, pp. 26-34.
- Zheng, B., J. B Campbell, G. Serbin, and C. Daughtry. 2013. A validation of the minNDTI strategy in the United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Vol. 68, pp. 120-131. doi:10.2489/68.2.120.
- Zheng, B., J. B. Campbell, and K. M. de Beurs. 2012. Remote sensing of crop residue cover using multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment. Vol. 117, pp. 177-183. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.09.016.
- Gibson, G.R., J. B. Campbell, and R. H. Wynne. 2012. Three Decades of War and Food Insecurity in Iraq. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. Vol. 78, pp. 885-895.
- Campbell, J .B. 2008. Origins of aerial photographic interpretation, U.S. Army, 1916-1918. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. Vol. 74, pp. 77- 93.