Department of Geography Events
Calendar header

October 3
A flier announcing a pizza social and info session about graduate school for Geography and Meteorology majors

April 26
Shannon O'Lear, Ph.D. from the University of Kansas, will give a colloquium on Environmental Geopolitics, on Friday, April 26 at 12:20 p.m. in Wallace 234

April 5
Dr. Maggie Suggest is the speaker at colloquium on Friday, April 5

March 29
Thayer colloquium March 29

March 15
Flier announcing the colloquium for March 15, with speaker Dr. Shannon Bell, professor of sociology..

January 16

December 15
flier for graduate breakfast

December 1
Colloquium announcement

November 15
Women's conference

November 14
Hokies in Antarctica

November 13
Dance of Nations

November 8
Flier for on the road in Abingdon

November 2
Conference readiness talk

Submission information
To submit an event for inclusion in the list of events, please send pertinent information or graphics to Necessary information includes: date, time, location, type of event, Name and full title of speakers or special guests, whether it's open or closed (intended for geography students and faculty only), and pictures of guests from outside the university.