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Charles M. Good

Professor Emeritus

'Moving In, Staying Well': How New Immigrants Negotiate and Experience Place and Health in America.
Sponsor: Arts and Sciences Millennium grant 
Amount: $37,800

  • 2004. The Steamer Parish: the Rise and Fall of Missionary Medicine on an African Frontier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • "Cultural and Medical Geography: Evolution, Convergence, and Innovation." In Cultural Encounters with the Environment. A. Murphy & D. Johnson (Eds.), Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (2000), 219-238.
  • "The Power of the State" (with L. Baer) in R. Gordon et al., Alternative Therapies: Expanding Options in Health Care (New York: Springer, 1998), 45-66.
  • "Mobilizing Traditional Healers to Prevent STDs and Combat the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Tanzania," for USAID (235pp report), 1997

Research Interests:

  • Medical and Health Geography
  • Health concerns of refugees and other immigrants
  • Community-based approaches to reducing STDs and HIV/AIDS
  • Ethnomedical systems
  • Africa



Grants and Awards:
