David Carroll

213 Wallace Hall
Research Interest:
- Development of mobile and remote-access mesonets
- Surface-atmosphere interactions influencing thunderstorm development and severe weather threat
Classes Recently Taught:
- Weather Analysis I & II
- Survey of Meteorology
- Rocky Mountain Field Course
- Weather Instrumentation
- Severe Weather
- Field Course: Great Plains Storm Chase
Recent Publications
- Characteristics of Red Spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) Encroachment at Two Central Appalachian Heathland Study Areas https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/items/ee14538e-bea4-4898-91a6-e2f7fdf56612
- Assessing Urban Landscape Variables’ Contributions to Microclimates https://vtechworks.lib.vt.edu/items/c09b2e13-de91-4b83-aded-103e5a7e2314
- Storm data and multimedia supplied to commercial and public television, and to National Weather Service for training purposes
Grants and Awards:
- ICAT SEED Grant: 3-D Nexrad Immersion of 2013 Moore EF-5 Tornado
- Outstanding Faculty 2015
- Governor's Award for Innovative Technology (storm chase curriculum) 2005; Sigma Xi Outstanding Math/Science Instructor 2000