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Maria Elisa Christie

Director, Women and Gender in International Development
Maria Elisa Christie
Center for International Research, Education, and Development (CIRED) (0378)
526 Prices Fork (corner with Toms Creek)
Blacksburg, VA

Maria Elisa Christie is an Affiliate Faculty of Geography, Women’s and Gender Studies, and the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. She is a fellow of the Center for Food Systems and Community Transformation and a Faculty Associate of the Food Studies Program at Virginia Tech. She runs the Women and Gender in International Development Discussion Series for Virginia Tech.

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Areas of Expertise:

  • Gender, Agriculture, and Development
  • Cultural and Political Ecology
  • Geography of Food, Cuisine, and Kitchenspace
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Participatory Mapping


  • Ph.D. - University of Texas at Austin, 2003
  • M.A. - University of Oregon, 1994
  • B.A. - University of Oregon, 1983


  • Gender, Environment, and International Development (GEOG 4214)
    Meets requirements for the Cultures, Regions, and International Development track of the Geography major as well as for the Human Systems area for the Meteorology degree.
  • Kaitlyn Spangler. 2018. M.S. When He Comes Home, then He Can Decide: Male Out-Migration, the Feminization of Agriculture, and Integrated Pest Management in the Nepali Mid-Hills
    Professor(s): Maria Elisa Christie
  • Daniel Sumner. 2014. M.S. Gendered Dimensions of Conservation Agriculture in Northwestern Cambodia.
    Professor(s): Maria Elisa Christie
  • Mary Harman. 2014. M.S. Using Geographic Information Systems to Explore Local Soil Knowledge and Gendered Landscapes for Conservation Agriculture in the Philippines.
    Professor(s): Maria Elisa Christie
  • Christie, M.E. (2010). Gendered Spaces, Gendered Knowledge: A Cultural Geography of Kitchenspace in Central Mexico. Book chapter in Laura Esquivel’s Mexican Fictions. Ed. Elizabeth Moore Willingham. Sussex Academic Press.
  • Christie, M.E. (2008).  KitchenspaceWomen, Fiestas and Everyday Life in Central Mexico. Austin: University of Texas Press.
  • Christie, M.E. (2007). Kitchenspace, Fiestas, and Cultural Reproduction in Mexican House-lot Gardens. (Reprinted from The Geographical Review.) In The Introductory Reader in Human Geography, edited by William Moseley, David Lanegran, and Kavita Pandit. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Christie, M. E., Sumner, D., Chala, L. A., & Mersie, W. (2023). Gendered livelihood impacts and responses to an invasive, transboundary weed in a rural Ethiopian community. Gender, Place & Culture, 1-23.
  • Summers, K. H., Baird, T. D., Woodhouse, E., Christie, M. E., McCabe, J. T., Terta, F., & Peter, N. (2020). Mobile phones and women's empowerment in Maasai communities: How men shape women's social relations and access to phones. Journal of Rural Studies77, 126-137.
  • Spangler, K., & Christie, M. E. (2020). Renegotiating gender roles and cultivation practices in the Nepali mid-hills: unpacking the feminization of agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values37(2), 415-432.
  • Van Houweling, E., Christie, M. E., & Rahim, A. A. (2020). Women’s access and experience in higher education agricultural programs in Africa. Gender and Education32(4), 486-504.
  • Hall, R.P., S. Ranganathan, J. Agnew, M.E. Christie, S. Clark, G. Kirk, C. Lucero, and T. Archibald. (2019) Virginia Tech Food Access and Security Study. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
  • Sumner, D., Christie, M. E., & Boulakia, S. (2017). Conservation agriculture and gendered livelihoods in Northwestern Cambodia: decision-making, space and access. Agriculture and human values34, 347-362.
  • White, J., Kennedy, L. M., & Christie, M. E. (2017). Do perceptions of the Red‐tailed Hawk indicate a human‐wildlife conflict on the island of La Gonave, Haiti?. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography38(2), 258-268.
  • Christie, M.E., Parks, M., & Mulvaney, M. (2016). Gender and local soil knowledge: linking farmers’ perceptions with soil fertility in two villages in the Philippines. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 37: 6-24.
  • Christie, M.E., Van Houweling, E., & Zseleczky, L. (2015). Mapping gendered pest management knowledge, practices, and pesticide exposure pathways in Ghana and Mali. Agriculture and Human Values 32(4): 761-775.
  • Christie, M. E., Kyamureku, P., Kaaya, A., & Devenport, A. (2015). Farmers, peanuts, and aflatoxins in Uganda: A gendered approach. Development in Practice 25(1): 4-48.
  • Harman Parks, M., Christie, M.E., & Bagares, I. (2015) Gender and conservation agriculture production systems: constraints and opportunities in the Philippines. GeoJournal 80(1): 61-77.
  • Zseleczky, L., Christie, M.E., & Haleegoah, J. (2014). Applying an embodied livelihoods approach to tomato farmers’ gendered experience of pesticides in Tuobodom, Ghana. Gender, Technology and Development 18(2): 249-274.
  • Christie, M.E., & Giri, K. (2010). Challenges and experiences of women in the forestry sector in Nepal. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology 2(9): 198-205. Available from http://www/
  • Christie, M.E. (2006).  Kitchenspace: gendered territory in Central Mexico. Savouring the kitchen, special issue on kitchens (Part 2). Gender Place and Culture 13(6).
  • Christie, M.E. (2004). Kitchenspace, fiestas, and cultural reproduction in Mexican house-lot gardens. The Geographical Review 94(3): 368-390.
  • Christie, M.E. (2004).The cultural geography of gardens. Introduction to Special Issue. The Geographical Review 94(3): iii-iv.
  • Christie, M.E. (2002). Naturaleza y sociedad desde la perspectiva de la cocina tradicional mexicana: género, adaptación y resistencia. Journal of Latin American Geography 1(1): 17-42.