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Past Graduate Students


Year Student Degree Advisor(s) Title of Thesis or Dissertation
2024 Julia Finkhausar M.S. Ramseyer The influence of the North Atlantic subtropical high on atmospheric rivers over the eastern United States.
2024 Addison Flack M.S. Baird Using Lidar to examine human occupancy and collisions within a shared indoor environment
2024 Sophiya Gyanwali M.S. Bukvic Assessment of drivers of coastal relocation in the U.S. urban east coast
2024 Mahjabin Kabir Adrita M.S. Kolivras Climatic and social factors contributing to the persistence of malaria in the Chittagong Hills tracts of Bangladesh
2024 Shashank Karki M.S. Baird Tracking human movement indoors using terrestrial lidar
2024 Geoffrey Otieno M.S.. Kolivras The emergence of lyme disease in Appalachia (2000-2019)
2024 Bright Samson M.S. Ellis Station-based analysis of variability and change in the Nigerian hydroclimate
2024 Jack Tolar M.S. Shao Modeling urban growth in Hampton Roads, Va: A statistical and machine learning approach
2023 Md Sariful Islam Ph.D. Crawford Coastal Erosion Hazard in Bangladesh: Space-time pattern analysis and empirical forecasting, impacts on land use/cover, and human risk perception.
2023 Troy Swift Ph.D. Kennedy Integration of geospatial and environmental analysis to track landscape dynamics in a perched montane peat bog (WV, USA), reconstruct vital parameters of a landfalling hurricane (FL/AL), and evaluate a potential UNESCO Global Geopark (WI)
2023 Brandy Ayesu-Danso M.S. Galappaththi Climate change, human environment changes and adaptation responses in coastal indigenous community of Akplabanya, Ghana.
2023 Indunil Dharmasiri M.S. Galappaththi Entrepreneurship-based factors to foster climate adaptations among Indigenous communities
2023 Alexander Miele M.S. Shao

Linking streamflow trends with land cover change in a Southern U.S. water towerin Bihar, India

Kayleigh Addington  M.S. Zick The role of environmental moisture on tropical cyclone size and structure
2023 Gunjan Barua  M.S. Pingel Understanding perception of different urban thermal model visualizations.
2023 Cole Bristow  M.S. Kennedy     The effects of road infrastructure, land cover, and landscape on roadkill patterns in Montgomery County, Virginia
2023 Ami Schukte  M.S. Resler Plant successional patterns at Sperry Glacier foreland, Glacier National Park, Montana, USA
2023 Samrin Sumaiya Sauda M.S. Zick The evolution and distribution of precipitation during tropical cyclone landfalls using the GPM IMERG product
2023 Emily Wilcox  M.S. Juran

Assessing the impacts of a water, sanitation, and hygiene intervention on changing behaviorin Bihar, India

2023 Jarek Campbell



Spatial Implications of Flood Exposure and Relocation Attitudes Among Older Populations in Hampton Roads,Virginia

2022 Nazmul Huda M.S. Crawford Patterns and Associations of Shoreline Erosion and Developed Land Use Change in the Lower Meghna Estuary of Bangladesh
2022 Ryan Shayer M.S. Oliver Investigating the Future and Image of Leesburg, Virginia
Margaret Crawford M.S. Bukvic The Social Cascades of Exposure to Flood Induced Natech Events on Vulnerable Populations in Hampton Roads, Virginia 
2022 Daniel Donahoe  M.S. Kennedy Leveraging the Landsat Archive to Track Understory Evergreen Shrub Expansions in the Coweeta Basin, North Carolina 
2022 Tyler Gingrich  M.S. Ramseyer Synoptic-Scale Atmospheric Conditions Associated with Flash Drought Initiation in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean
2022 Parker Henry  M.S. Ramseyer Using Self-Organizing Maps to Identify Changes in Winter Seasonal Temperature Trends in the Southeastern U.S.
2022 Colleen Lewis  M.S. Pingel     Least Cost Path Modeling Between Inka and Amazon Civilizations
2022 Tyler Stanfield  M.S. Ramseyer A Climatological Analysis of Upper-Level Velocity Potential Fields Using Global Weather Reanalysis, 1958-2020 
2022 Shakira Stackhouse M.S. Zick Evaluating the Skillfulness of the Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS) Forecasts for Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Using an Object-Based Methodology
2022 Kyler Stanley  M.S. Resler Toward Understanding Geodiversity Perception in Grayson County, VA Through Geodiversity Mapping
2022 Mark Villareal M.S. Baird Distribution of Resource Use in an Informal Learning Environment: Using Sensor Technologies to Bring Geography Indoors
2021 Sam Carani M.S. Pingel Detection of Tornado Damage via Convolutional Neural Networks and Unmanned Aerial System Photogrammetry
2021 Peter Forister M.S. Resler Spatial Patterns and Variations of Tornado Damage as Related to Southeastern Appalachain Forests and Terrain from the Franklin County, Virginia EF-3 Tornado
2021 Jen Kern M.S. Juran and Resler Modelling Hydrologic System Change in a Paraglacial Catchment in the Northern Rocky Mountains
2021 Allison Mitchell M.S. Bukvic Impacts of Coastal Flooding on Watersheds in Hampton Roads, VA
2021 Balaji Ramesh M.S. Kolivras Estimating Health Risks Associated with Flooding following Hurricante Harvey using Earth Observations and the CDC Social Vulnerability Index
2021 Josh Starner M.S. Carstensen Relative Convenience of Battery Electric Vehicles vs. Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles for Non-Commuting Trips in the Contiguous United States
2021 Holly Young M.S. Kolivras Examining the Relationship Between Safe Drinking Water Violations and Adverse Birth Outcomes in Virginia
2021 Zachary Van Tol M.S. Ellis Analysis of Urban Heat Island Intensity Through Air Mass Persistence
2021 James Young M.S.  Pingel An Evaluation of DEM Generation Methods Using a Pixel-Based Landslide Detection Algorithm
2021 Jack Gonzales M.S.  Pingel Comparing UAV and Pole Photogrammetry for Monitoring Beach Erosion
2020 Heng Wan Ph.D. Shao Assessing Annual Urban Change and its Impacts on Evapotranspiration
2020 David Jensen Ph.D. Resler Detecting and Modeling Landfast Ice in the Alaskan Bering Sea
2020 Michael L. Marston Ph.D. Ellis Variation and Change in Daily Precipitation Extremes Across the United States Since the Mid-20th Century
2020 Lindsey Morrison M.S.  Zick Evaluating the Role of Atmospheric Stability in Generating Asymmetrical Precipitation During the Landfall of Hurricane Florence (2018)
2020 Hudson Chase M.S. Pingel Immersive Virtual Reality Point Cloud Classification Correction
2020 Gretchen Goeke Dee M.S. Resler Spatial Pattern Analysis of Tree Species Distribution in a Central Appalachian Upland Heath Barren
2020 Ryley Harris M.S. Kennedy Spatial Patterns on Virginia's Second Highest Peak: Land Cover Dynamics and Tree Mortality in Two Rare Ecosystems
2020 Alexander Rosenman M.S. Shao Multiscale Remote Sensing Analysis of Vegetation Patterns in an Alpine Environment, Glacier National Park, Montana
2020 Eric West M.S. Carstensen The Digitization of American Viticultural Area Boundaries: An Efficient Method for Constructing GIS Polygons from Federal Government Data Sources
2020 Aaron Whittemore M.S. Ellis Analysis of Human Influence on Drought Conditions in the Upper Colorado River Basin (Texas)
2020 Molly McKnight M.S. Kolivras Examining the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem: Associations Between Surface Mining and Birth Outcomes in Central Appalachia at Multiple Spatial Scales
2019 Yong Huang M.S. Campbell Virginia Urban Dynamics Study Using DMSP/OLS Nighttime Imagery
Elizabeth Weaver Ph.D. Kolivras Investigating the Valley Fever – Environment Relationship in the Western U.S.
2019 Hoa Tri Tran Ph.D. Campbell Integration of Geospatial Technologies in Monitoring Drought Events in a Coastal Area of Vietnam (Case Study: Binh Thuan Province)
2019 Iris Flynn Ph.D. Campbell Geospatial Analysis of Forest Fragmentation & Connectivity in Virginia
2019 Damien Geffroy M.S.  Oliver A City of Projects: Grand Paris, The 2024 Summer Olympics, and the Jurisdictional Negotiation of Contemporary Paris
2019 Nathaniel Lawrence M.S. Resler and Saladyga Fire History of an Acidic Barrens Complex: A Methods Assessment of Fire Return Intervals
2019 Veronica Scott M.S. Juran and Ling Strontium in Drinking Water: Assessing Strontium as a Drinking Water Contaminant in Virginia Private Wells
2019 Megan Stevenson M.S. Kolivras The Effects of Land Cover Change on the Spatial Distribution of Lyme Disease in Northern Virginia since 2005
2019 Kelly Summers M.S. Baird Mobile Phones, Social Relations, and the Gatekeepers to Women's Empowerment in Maasai Households
2019 Yanshen Sun M.S. Carstensen Evaluating the Quality of Ground Surfaces Generated from Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) data
2019 Aaron Updike M.S.  Zick A Modeling Study of the Principal Rainband in Hurricane Matthew and the Influence of Remote Terrain on Hurricane Structure During its Intensification in the Southern Caribbean
2019 Helen White M.S.  Resler Biotic and Abiotic Factors of Picea rubens (Red Spruce) Seedling Regeneration in Disturbed Heathland Barrens of the Central Appalachians
2018 Sanam Aksha Ph.D. Juran and Resler Assessing Vulnerability and Multi-Hazard Risk in the Nepal Himalaya
2018 Allison LeBlanc Ph.D. Kennedy Lake Sediment-Based Reconstructions of Late-Holocene Lowland Environments on Dominican Republic and Barbuda, Northern Caribbean
2018 Shreejana Bhattaria M.S. Kolivras Understanding the Relationship between Land Use/Land Cover and Malaria in Nepal
2018 Timothy Greene M.S. Ellis The Impact of Synoptic Weather on the Ice Phenology of Maine Lakes, 1955-2005
2018 Jessica Kirkland M.S.  Zick Regional Differences in the Spatial Patterns of Precipitation Bands in Hurricanes Through Landfall along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Coasts of the United States
2018 Callie Lambert M.S. Resler and Shao Spatio-Temporal Vegetation Change as Related to Terrain Factors at Two Glacier Forefronts, Glacier National Park, Montana
2018 Suzanna Lindeman M.S. Ellis Assessment of Model Forecast Temperature Bias During Cold-Air Damming in the Central Appalachian Mountains
2018 Erik Olson M.S.  Oliver Rescinding a Bid: Stockholm's Uncertain Relationship with the Olympic Games. 
2018 Breeanna Prince M.S. Juran Access to Water: Advancement of Multidimensional, Multiscalar, and Participatory Methods of Measurement in the Global South
2018 Kaitlyn Spangler M.S. Christie When He Comes Home, then He Can Decide: Male Out-Migration, the Feminization of Agriculture, and Integrated Pest Management in the Nepali Mid-Hills
2018 Logan Stevens M.S. Kolivras Future Lyme Disease Risk in the Southeastern United States Based on Projected Land Cover
2018 Ruoyu Zhang M.S.  Shao An Evaluation of a Data-Driven Approach to Regional Scale Surface Runoff Modelling
2017 David Fox  M.S. Baird Settlement Patterns and their Potential Implications for Livelihoods among Maasai Pastoralists in Northern Tanzania
2017 Taylor Meade M.S. Campbell Analyzing Spatial Locations of the Common Agricultural Policy’s Subsidy Areas in Romania with Landsat Imagery
2017 Julia Sherry M.S. Juran Perceptions of Water Services and Innovations to Improve Water Services in Tanzania
2017 Andy Skeen M.S. Shao Estimating Impervious Surface Cover in Flathead County, Montana
2017 Jessica Suggs M.S. Ellis Long-Term Changes in Synoptic-Scale Air Mass Persistence across the United States
2016 Tammy E. Parece Ph.D. Campbell Geospatial Analysis to Site Urban Agricultur
2016 Jie Ren Ph.D. Campbell Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing of Changing Agricultural Land Uses with the Midwestern Corn Belt, 2001-2015
2016 J.T. Bandzuh M.S. Juran and Kolivras Perceptions of Measures to Control Aedes Mosquitoes and Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Costa Rica
2016 Austin Cooner M.S.  Shao Detection of Urban Damage Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Algorithms: Revisiting the 2010 Haiti Earthquake
2016 Mario Garza M.S.  Resler Biophysical and Climate Analysis of the Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae) Infestations in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem, 1962-2014
2016 Michael Marston M.S. Ellis Analysis of Extreme Reversals in Seasonal and Annual Precipitation Anomalies across the United States, 1895-2014
2016 Camille Martineau M.S.  Oliver  Still Last on the List: Examining Patterns of Economic Distress in Appalachia 
2016 Amanda Michaels M.S. Resler Land Use and Land Cover Change in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem
2016 Trevor White M.S. Carstensen Dual-Doppler Derived Vorticity as a Predictor of Hail Size in Severe Thunderstorms
2015 Ashley Athey M.S. Ellis Verification of Satellite-Derived Precipitation Estimates over Complex Terrain: A Ground Truth Analysis for Nepal
2015 Leyang Feng M.S.  Shao Sensitivity Analysis of Hot/Cold Pixel Selection in SEBAL Model for ET Estimation
2015 Lauren Freelander M.S. Kolivras and Hill Socio-Demographic and Environmental Influences on the Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in North Carolina
2015 Leslie Harwood M.S. Carstensen Identifying Environments in which Vehicle-to-Vehicle Safety Application Alerts were Affected by the Surrounding Topography
2015 Bailey Kyle M.S.  Oliver  The Road to Rio: Infrastructure, Image, New Media, and the 2014 FIFA World Cup
2015 Ashley Lewis M.S. Baird Human-Wildlife Conflict and Mobile Phone Use among Maasai Pastoralists near Tarangire National Park, Northern Tanzania
2015 Rachael Lubitz M.S. Kennedy A Late Holocene Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of a Coastal Lake in Northeastern Dominican Republic
2015 Daniel Moore M.S. Carstensen Zone-Based Multiple Regression Models to Visualize GPS Locations in a Network Camera Image
2015 Brandon Wheeler M.S.  Shao Evaluating Time-Series Smoothing Algorithms for Multi-Temporal Land Cover Classification
2015 Suwen Zhao M.S.  Shao and Campbell Simulating Urban Growth for Baltimore-Washington Metropolitan Area by Coupling SLEUTH Model and Population Projection
2014 David Kramar  Ph.D. Carstensen Evaluation, Assessment, and Determination of Risk to High Trophic Level Piscivores in the Mid-Atlantic: A Spatial and Comparative Case Study of Mercury in Virginia and New England Bald Eagle Populations
2014 Ayanda Masilela M.S. Kolivras Discerning Neighborhood Characteristics as Contributing Factors to Infant Mortality in Rural Northern Plains Communities
2014 Paul Miller M.S. Ellis The Utility of Total Lightning in Diagnosing Single-Cell Thunderstorm Severity in the Central Appalachian Mountains Region
2014 Jayashree Surendrababu M.S. Kolivras Modeling the Impact of Projected Land Cover on Lyme Disease Emergence
2014 Haitao Wang M.S. Kennedy and Shao Monitoring Vegetation Dynamics in Zhongwei, an Arid City of Northwest China