Josh Starner
Josh Starner

295 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA
My focus area within Geospatial Information Technology is the support of geospatial research and practice-based student education within our college. I am driven by the goal of providing our students with an opportunity to create strong links between geospatial theory and practice. The experiences and feedback provided during these teaching interactions are designed to provide the confidence that will allow our students to develop their own proficiencies as they approach the evolving needs of our world. My areas of specialization include research within Transportation Geography: Connected Vehicles & Routing, Python-based & Geoprocessing Tool Development, Mapping and Cartography, and Web Mapping.
Areas of Expertise:
- Geographic Information Science
- M.S. - Virginia Tech, 2021
- Geospatial Information Technology Certificate, Virginia Tech, 2018
- B.S. - Virginia Tech, 2017
- Principles of GIS (GEOG 2084)
- Cartography (GEOG 3314)
- Introduction to Web Mapping (GEOG 4394)
- Esri Development Center Student of the Year, 2019
Starner, J. D., Carstensen, L. W., Darrell, B., Kolivras, K.N., Roper, D.L. (2021). Comparing Relative Convenience of Non-Commute Trips in Battery Electric Vehicles Versus Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles in the Contiguous United States (Masters Thesis, Virginia Tech).